Chronic Inflammation
Thymosin Beta-4
Thymosin Beta-4
Thymosin is a hormone secreted from the thymus. Its primary function is to stimulate the production of T cells, which are an important part of the immune system. Thymosin also assists in the development of B cells to plasma cells to produce antibodies. The predominant form of thymosin, Thymosin Beta 4, is an actin, a cell building protein. One of the main mechanisms of action of Thymosin Beta-4 is its regulation of Actin. This cell-building protein is an essential component of cell structure and movement which leads to its role in tissue repair.
Tβ 4 has been found to play an important role in protection, regeneration, and remodeling of injured or damaged tissues. After an injury, Thymosin Beta-4 is released by platelets and numerous other types of cells to protect the most damaged cells and tissues and to reduce inflammation and microbial growth.
Recent studies have revealed that the first gene to be upregulated after an injury is the Thymosin Beta-4 gene. As the body begins the recovery process, Thymosin Beta-4 aids in the creation of new vessels in the injured area, which carry blood, nutrients, and reparative substances to the site. Thymosin Beta-4 also has anti-inflammatory properties and works to decrease the amount of inflammatory substances, called cytokines. Inflammation plays a large role in many of the symptoms associated with a number of other conditions (i.e., Lyme disease, CFS, FM, autoimmune diseases, infections, etc.).
The discovery of the role of Thymosin Beta-4 in the process of immune regulation has led to its use as a valuable therapeutic agent. Thymosin Beta-4 has been used in the treatment of HIV, AIDS, Influenza, colds, and various infections. It has been utilized in the management of various inflammatory conditions, as well as part of treatment following a heart attack due to its cardio and neuroprotective effects.
Potential Benefits
· Calms muscle spasm
· Improved muscle tone
· Increased exchange of substances between cells
· Encourages tissue repair
· Stretches connective tissue
· Helps maintain flexibility
· Reduced inflammation of tissue in joints
· Encourages the growth of new blood cells in tissue
· Increased endurance and strength
· Prevents the formation of adhesions and fibrous bands in muscles, tendons, and ligaments
Side Effects
Thymosin Beta-4 is deemed both safe and effective, with minimal side effects associated. If side effects do occur, symptoms usually include reddening, pain, and discomfort at the injection site. Headaches and lethargy are also possible in first-dose injections, but these symptoms subside promptly.